Jennifer I Zvn

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Metal in popcorn

Orville Redenbachers - Metal in popcorn

2 boxes of the gourmet popcorn in the red box that i purchased in January 2025 have had metal fragments in the uncooked bags that caused the microwave to shock as if metal was being cooked out of 2 boxes 11 packs did this i have a video please please remove them from the shelves asap

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Preferred solution: Safety of the public and item be removed so nobody gets hurt

User's recommendation: Skip to end of video

Tyrece Hit
map-marker Rice Lake, Wisconsin

Popcorn seasoning

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Orville Redenbachers - Popcorn seasoning
Orville Redenbachers - Popcorn seasoning - Image 2
Orville Redenbachers - Popcorn seasoning - Image 3
Orville Redenbachers - Popcorn seasoning - Image 4

Purchased items in Valparaiso , In at Straks in April. Item did not hold up .

It is completely hard . The expectation was 2024 , but the second time I used it , I did not expect it to be clumped together. Will not recommend product.

Waste of money . A shame for a store in the birthplace of Orville Redenbachers popcorn !!

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User's recommendation: Not worth the money

Amanda L Qvs

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| map-marker Lakewood, New York

My box of popcorn

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Orville Redenbachers - My box of popcorn
Orville Redenbachers - My box of popcorn - Image 2
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

When I opened my unopened box of Orville's Movie Theater Butter Mini Bags (12 count), I found that the entire inside of the box was greasy. This greasiness had also affected all the bags of popcorn.

Consequently, I had to throw them all away, since I wasn't willing to clean each individual bag. I am not interested in a free coupon for more.

I have already purchased another large box and, since I don't consume popcorn often, I would just prefer to have my money returned. I purchased the box from Walmart in Jamestown, NY.

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  • Good flavor
  • Outside of the bags the plastic wrap is greasy

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Be careful when spending the money you do on this kind of pop corn

Robin P Gto

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Verified Reviewer
| map-marker Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi Province

Unsatisfied poor product

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Orville Redenbachers - Unsatisfied poor product

I bought your white cheddar popcorn seasoning and had it only for a month, but it turned hard and became unusable. The expiration date is 10/28/24.

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Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Use quickly

Lee C Fcb

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| map-marker Colville, Washington

The down graded quality of Orville Redenbacker's (Gourmet Popping Corn)

I have over 50 years of experience cooking popcorn and have been using Orville Redenbacher's for at least 15 years. To my knowledge, the popcorn was farmed in Valparaiso, a short way from my hometown of Gary, IN. Over the past few years, I've noticed a change in the quality of the popcorn and seed varieties.

The quality of the popcorn kernels seems to be affected by the hybrid varieties used. The farmers and producers don't seem to be breeding kernels for certain traits such as size and popping quality. There seem to be some changes in kernel size and popping quality; they appear smaller and denser, with more hull.

Popping Quality:

Kernel Size and Moisture: The popping process depends heavily on the moisture content inside the kernel. If the moisture content is too low or the kernels are older, they may not pop as fully. Changes in storage, packaging, or even the growing conditions, like droughts, may be causing the kernels to shrink or underperform.

Smaller Kernels: Some brands may be using smaller hybrid popcorn varieties to cut costs or meet different consumer preferences. Smaller kernels often produce smaller popcorn when popped. As a consumer, I have experienced these conditions and will be experimenting with other brands.

Former Loyal Customer,


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Preferred solution: Disappoited in downward quality of Orvill Redenbacher,not using the (3) 30 oz container of popcorn

Kelly H Mdq

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Small Claims Court British Columbie

Orville Redenbachers - Small Claims Court British Columbie
Orville Redenbachers - Small Claims Court British Columbie - Image 2
Orville Redenbachers - Small Claims Court British Columbie - Image 3

I need your address for the service of a claim that I am making to address the cost of replacing my microwave, which caught fire from using your microwave popcorn product. Your prompt reply is appreciated. Lisa Kelly Hauer.

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  • Dangerous

Preferred solution: Replacement of my destroyed Microwave

User's recommendation: Even using proper setting this product can catch fire

Loretta C Lfx

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| map-marker Thunder Bay, Ontario

Smart Pop popcorn

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I just opened a new box of Orville Reddenbacher Smart Pop. The amount is smaller and the taste is different.

No flavor... I won't be purchasing again.

I hate when big companies rip off their customers and expect them to stay. Very disappointing

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map-marker Manhattan Beach, California

My popcorn not chrunchy it taste stale

Hello There,

I recently bout your popcorn last week the large container at Winco last week.

When i cooked it and tasted it was stale and old it didn't even have the fresh taste it should have.

This is the 2nd time it happened and I'm not happy about it, because it is not cheap. Now, it seems lake the bag popcorn is better then the kernnel Popcorn.

i don't like to buy the bag popcorn because of the chemicals. I like to pop my own. Needless to say, I'm very disapointed in this product which was very good to me in the past. Thanks, alot.

I will no longer buy your popcorn.

Ps. the popcorn didn't even have a expiration date on it.

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User's recommendation: Don’t buy the whole kernel popcorn because it’s stale

Georgetta H Gbf

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| map-marker Edmonton, Alberta

Not happy with product

In the past month, I have purchased 6 boxes, each with 6 bags. Either the popcorn burns within the time, or only part of the bag pops.

I don't use the popcorn button.

My microwave is brand new. I find that using the 3 minutes is satisfactory, but it mostly just burns or does not pop.

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User's recommendation: Dont buy it

map-marker Kenai, Alaska

Popcorn quality

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Orville Redenbachers - Popcorn quality
Orville Redenbachers - Popcorn quality - Image 2

I purchased 4 boxes of Orville Redenbacher, Movie Theater Popcorn to make caramel corn with for my home business. I sell it to gift shops here in Alaska during the tourist season.

When I popped these boxes, I found it to be very bad quality.(exp date June 2024) No color, small kernels and a bad consistency. I only use the very best ingredients in the items I make, so you can imagine how disappointed I was when I popped this.

I had to throw the entire batch away. If this is what your quality levels are now, I will need to switch brands, I only want the best for our Alaska visitors.

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User's recommendation: Don’t buy this product if it’s anywhere near the expiration date, it is not good quality.

map-marker Calgary, Alberta

Tried popping it with oil It didn't pop nice and fluffy It was like eating a little hard balls or some of it didn't pop at all which is to be expected Tried hot air popper and hot oil popping Not good

I tried to pop with hot oil and air popper The popcorn would not pop properly It was hard when you ate it and not light fluffy like it should have beenWhat can you do about it Why is it like that

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User's recommendation: I'm not sure what to recommend because I want more popcorn on my money back

Priscilla G Cby

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| map-marker Port Richey, Florida

Popcorn bad bags.

Im 78 and eat a mini bag of your popcorn every last box had 2 mini bags that only had half the bag full and all poped,same bags had butter all over the outside of the bag,and they were like tough and didnt taste right.just wanted you to know.i will continue to biy the mini bags.your the only popcorn ive ever bought.

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User's recommendation: Continue buying,nobody is perfect.

Jeremy o Tkm

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Burnt popcorn

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I have been buying your product for years, but recently, every bag I pop per your instructions is burnt. If I pop it for less time, only half the bag pops. I have bought other brands and don't have this issue, but I like the taste of your popcorn and would like to continue to purchase if there is a solution available.

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  • Taste great
  • Burns easily

Preferred solution: I would be happy with coupons to replace my purchases


Rachel D Yob

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Skinny girl popcorn does not pop!

Orville Redenbachers - Skinny girl popcorn does not pop!
Contains 1 confidential file for company representatives

I bought 5 boxes from 3 different stores. I kept buying the brand because I didnt experience this problem last year and I live the popcorn.

However, the bags are defective.

Only 10-15 pieces of popcorn popped. Every time.Groceries are expensive and I am so aggravated.

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  • Too angry to list
  • Popcorn did not pop over and over

Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered

Kathy C Jyw

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Movie theater buttery popcorn

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I recently bought the movie theater buttery popcorn microwave 3.29 oz bag 24 count from Amazon for $11.98. I dont believe this is there problem but I have yet to pop a bag that is at least one-half the way full when finished popping.

This is ridiculous I throw away the majority of the kernels because they fail to pop. Im 73 years old and on a fixed income.

I wont be wasting any more money on your product. A very unsatisfied customer Kathy

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Carole B Zkh

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Purchased their microwave popcorn and before it was even half done a fire started and broke my turntable. Horrid!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Did not receive anything from customer service.. why must I have at least 100 symbols?

Purchased popcorn, before it was halfway through it caught fire breaking my turntable.

I feel I should be reimbursed for my turnt6. I ca not find my receipt but I still felt I had to complain and warn others about ut.

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  • Taste
  • Fire hazard

Preferred solution: Reimbursed for price of my microwave turntable

User's recommendation: Do not purchase!

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